General Information
Phone Numbers
(972) 875-4455
Emergencies: Dial 911
1700 Lake Bardwell Drive



The Ennis Detention Center is located at the Ennis Police Department, 1700 Lake Bardwell Drive, Ennis, TX, 75119. It is a 24/7 operation for the temporary confinement of pretrial individuals involved in the judicial process, as well as those individuals serving time assessed on misdemeanor Ennis Municipal Court cases. 

The Ennis Detention Center is supervised by Detention Supervisor David Dodd.  He can be reached at 817-290-5070 or by Email 

For more information, please see below.

How can I find out if someone is in the Ennis Detention Center?

Call the Detention Center at (817) 290-5070
Fax: (972) 875-8221

When is the Detention Center Open?

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Where is the Ellis County Jail?

The Ellis County Sherrif’s Office / Detention Center is located at:

300 S. Jackson Street, Waxahachie, TX, 75165

Phone: (972)825-4931

Contact Us (

What occurs during an Arraignment?

An arraignment is a formal meeting between a judge and an inmate. The judge informs the inmate of their charge(s), reads them their rights, and advises them of the bond or fine amount. 

When are inmates arraigned?

Arraignments are held daily, usually in the morning, but may occur at alternate times.

When may I visit an inmate?

No visitations are allowed until further notice.

What items may I bring an inmate?

Personal items of convenience and money may not be contributed to the inmate's property. Inmate prescription medication will be accepted and dispensed in the prescribed manner. Medication must have the inmate's name on the bottle and the prescription instructions must be clear and legible. Medication in the bottle must be the same listed on the prescription bottle. Expired medications will not be accepted.

How may I get an inmate's property?

Inmate property can only be released after the inmate grants written permission authorizing the release. To claim inmate property, it is necessary to present a driver's license, or a government issued identification card and sign the property release form. 

May an inmate make free phone calls?

Inmates will be allowed, at minimum, one free telephone call once the booking process has been completed. 

What is an Alias warrant?

This is a warrant where “no plea” or “not guilty” plea has been entered. An inmate, bail bond company, or an attorney can post a bond for this type of warrant. The bond assures that the inmate will appear in court.

What is a Capias warrant?

This is a warrant where a plea has been entered and the inmate did not follow through with the court agreement. The only way to resolve a Capias warrant is to pay the fine in full or be released "time served" by remaining in jail until enough jail credit has been earned or request a payment plan through the Ennis Municipal Court.

How can an inmate resolve a City of Ennis Class C Misdemeanor warrant?

  1. Cash (EXACT CHANGE) or money order
  2. Credit Card and checks are NOT accepted
  3. Released "time served" after acquiring enough jail credit
  4. A combination of jail credit and cash payment
  5. Bail bond if charges are bondable 
  6. No ATMs available

How can an inmate resolve a Class C Misdemeanor warrant issued by another municipality?

Payment can be accepted by either the issuing agency or the City of Ennis. Most county agencies do not allow cities to accept bonds and fines for their charges and payment must be made at the issuing agency. Cash payments are the only monetary form of payment accepted. If the charge is bondable, you may also obtain a bail bond person for arraignments to have bail posted.

How can an inmate get out of jail when arrested for a felony or misdemeanor (other than a Class C)?

-Contact an attorney 

-Contact a bail bond company

-Pay the bond at the Bond desk of the county where the charge will be filed  

-Pay the bond at the Ellis County Sheriff's Department bond desk located at:

300 S. Jackson Street, Waxahachie, TX, 75165

Will city employees recommend a bail bond company or an attorney?

No, but most bail bond companies and attorneys can be located in the phone book, on the Internet, or by using directory assistance.

Where can inmates released from the Ennis Detention Center be picked up?

Inmates are released in the Communications Center lobby at the Ennis Police Department.