General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
107 N. Sherman Street

Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm

Utility Billing


The Utilities Billing Office functions under the direction of the Director of Finance.  The Department is responsible for measuring the usage and accurately calculating and billing water, wastewater, and garbage services in accordance with rates implemented by the City Commission. Meters throughout the City are read electronically via a radio read system.

In addition, the Utility Billing office provides minor meter maintenance and centralized cashiering for the City. The department strives to provide excellent customer service to our customers.  The City of Ennis wants every customer to feel appreciated when they call or come into the Utility Billing office for help or to make a payment.  Options for bill payment are explained in detail on the How Do I page.

The Utility Billing Office is located at: 

107 N. Sherman Street, Ennis, Texas 75119

Water or Sewer Emergencies 

For water or sewer related issues and to report water leaks, please contact the Service Center at 972-875-1234, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. After hours, weekends, and city holidays, please call 972-875-4465.

If the water supply problem is between the water meter and your residence, or if you have a sewer problem within your property, you will need to call a plumber for repairs. Call the emergency number for water supply problems on the city side of the meter and for sewer problems originating beyond your property line.

Conservation Tips 

For tips on how you can help conserve and protect the environment, please visit Take Care of Texas.

Important Message 

The City of Ennis does not take payments over the phone nor does City Staff contact customers to request payments over the phone.  If anyone calls you advising you to pay your water bill over the phone please contact the City Utility Billing Department at 972-875-1234 .

The City of Ennis does not endorse any products by firms selling "water line insurance".  If you receive an offer to sell "water line insurance" please contact the City Billing Office at 972-875-1234 .