General Information
Director of Human Resources
Irene Kasujja
Human Resources Manager
Beverly Crathers
Human Resources Analyst
Kaity Stroope
HR/Payroll Coordinator
Sarah Jones
Phone Numbers
(972) 875-1234
Fax: (972) 875-2301
Emergencies: Dial 911
107 North Sherman Street

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Vision Plan

The City of Ennis offers a Vision Care Plan through Mutual of Omaha/EyeMed.

Mutual of Omaha/EyeMed Vision Care Plan is a network-based vision plan that emphasizes high-quality routine eye health care from independent eye care professionals. Services and materials are provided on a pre-paid basis and the plan pays network doctors directly.  Vision Care Plan members can also use non-network doctors if they wish.

Regular full-time City employees can participate in the City of Ennis Vision Benefits program.  The City pays for the premiums of both employees and their dependents.

Eligible employees are given the opportunity to enroll upon hire with coverage taking effect the first of the month following the date of hire. Employees not eligible for this benefit when hired but later become eligible will be offered the opportunity to enroll with coverage taking effect the first of the month following the eligibility date.