General Information
Court Administrator
Wendy Martinez
Phone Numbers
Fax: 972-875-9738
Emergencies: Dial 911
107 N. Sherman Street
PO BOX 220

Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm

Violations and Citations

Citation Information & Payments

Citations received from the Ennis Police Department can be viewed the following business day after the day the citation was received. Citation information will not be available to the court on the day you received your citation. For information on driving safety, deferred disposition, payment plans, or dismissals, please view the links below.

Online payment can be made by clicking this link, City of Ennis, TX Municipal Court.
Please note: “Unless the Defendant has previously entered a plea with the court, only the Defendant or the Defendant’s attorney may pay a fine for a citation.  When you pay your fine, you are pleading “no contest” and waiving your right to a jury trial.  You will be found guilty, and the conviction will be reported to the Department of Public Safety (if applicable).”

The system will not accept payment for violations issued to juveniles, to minors charged with an alcohol or tobacco-related offenses, partial payments, or payments of administrative fees for court programs such as Defensive Driving or Deferred Disposition are not accepted online. 

Payments mailed must be postmarked on or before the the appearance date listed on your citation. Allowing a court case to go into collection status substantially increases the amount of the fines and fees due. Payment in the form of a money order is to be made payable to the City of Ennis. Make certain the amount sent is sufficient to pay the fine. Please contact the court if you are uncertain of the amount to mail.  Please put your citation number or and or date of birth on your money order.

Payments may be made in person at the court office at 107 N Sherman, Ennis TX 75119, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays and scheduled court days. When paying in person, you may use a debit or credit card but will be charged a credit card fee. You may also pay by money order or cashier’s check, we do not accept personal checks.