Contact Us
Parks & Recreation Director
Paul Liska
Recreation Program Manager
Mike Richardson
Administrative Assistant
Mary Brodie
Phone Numbers
(972) 875-1234 Ext: 2419
Emergencies: Dial 911
Parks & Recreation Department
500 Lake Bardwell Drive

8am - 5pm

Parks Board Agenda

Parks & Recreation Board 

Every 3rd Wednesday @ 5:30 P.M.

Planning, Development & Inspections Building Entrance of The Welcome Center

108 W. Knox St., Ennis, TX 75119

Parks Board Agenda 

The Parks Board meetings are open to the public and held every third Wednesday of the month. 

Items discussed are new and existing park projects, maintenance updates, recreation reports, and volunteer opportunities. If you would like an item placed on the agenda for official discussion please contact the Parks and Recreation Director at for details. 

If you are new to Ennis please visit our Ennis Welcome Center

201 NW Main Street

Be sure to Download the Ennis Y'all App. Where you can find helpful information about our city, local businesses, restaurants, events and it is a helpful tool and guide.