General Information
Senior Planner
Erica Stubbs
City Planner
Jorge Barake
Planning and Development Assistant
Amber Jones
David O'Connor
Arthur Matthews
Administrative Assistant
Lea Ann Price
Assistant Director of Planning and Development and Building Official
Troy Foreman
Director of Planning and Development and Chief Building Official
Mark Richardson
Phone Numbers
(972) 875-6442
Emergencies: Dial 911
108 W. Knox St.

8 AM - 5 PM

City and County GIS Portals

The City of Ennis GIS Public Portal is the City's GIS public platform designed and created with the goal of promoting engagement, transparency, innovation and efficiency by providing easy-to-use mapping applications, online search tools and accessible data to the community and City staff. 

Our GIS Portal has been also designed to help and assist public citizens, private businesses, developers and City staff make decisions, obtain, and distribute information.  City staff always work and strive hard to ensure our GIS data is as accurate as possible.  

Please click on the link below to access the City's GIS.

City of Ennis

Questions about property taxes, file a protest, want to do a property and map search?  Please click on the Ellis County link below.  

Ellis County Appraisal District