Historic Landmark Commission and Commissioners

The purpose of the Historic Landmark Commission is to oversee the preservation and protection of historically and architecturally significant buildings and neighborhoods in the City of Ennis, Texas.  The Commission meets the third (3rd) Monday of each month, on an as needed basis, at 6 PM.

Membership and Appointment

Per Section 2.5.2 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), the Commission consists of seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternate members who are residents of the city appointed, upon application and demonstration of their qualifications to the extent available among the residents of the community, by the City Commission with primary consideration given to professional members from the disciplines of architecture, history, urban planning, real estate, legal, archeology, or other disciplines related to historic preservation.  

Each commissioner is appointed to a two-year term.  The standard appointment date for new terms is August of each calendar year.  

Historic Landmark Commissioners

David SachaChairperson
Carol HightowerVice-Chair
Logan TreadawayCommissioner
Peter SetianCommissioner
Sally SeversonCommissioner
Charlene RussellCommissioner
Nora PuckettAlternate