General Information
Senior Planner
Erica Stubbs
City Planner
Jorge Barake
Planning and Development Assistant
Amber Jones
David O'Connor
Arthur Matthews
Administrative Assistant
Lea Ann Price
Assistant Director of Planning and Development and Building Official
Troy Foreman
Director of Planning and Development and Chief Building Official
Mark Richardson
Phone Numbers
(972) 875-6442
Emergencies: Dial 911
108 W. Knox St.

8 AM - 5 PM

Online Permits and Inspections

Who Can Pull a Permit
All licensed trade contractors and general contractors may pull permits.  All work must be done by a licensed trade contractor or general contractor who is registered with the city, otherwise, homeowners may pull a homestead permit if planning to do the work themselves.

Building Permits
A permit is required to build, alter, enlarge, or repair any residential or commercial structure within the city limits. Commercial building permit applications are also reviewed by the Fire Marshal and in some cases the Health Department. 

Effective June 5, 2024, all building permit applications must be submitted through our online portal and will be reviewed by the Inspection Services Department and the Planning and Development Department.

Other Permits
The following projects also require a permit:

·         Accessory building (>120sf)

·         Demolition

·         Drive approach

·         Fence (>8’)

·         Irrigation system

·         Sign

·         Structure moving

·         Swimming Pools & Spas

Please keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Contact us if you are unsure if your project requires a permit.

Permit Fees
Commercial and residential building permit fees vary based on the valuation of the job. Please call for the most current rates.


Once a permit has been issued, inspections are made based on the type of the project and the scope of work done. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to schedule the necessary inspections. 

Please note that these inspections can only be scheduled using our online portal.