General Information
Phone Numbers
(972) 875-4455
Emergencies: Dial 911
1700 Lake Bardwell Drive



Assistant Chief / Interim Chief of Police Michael Godfrey - Email or call 817-290-5061 

Assistant Chief Godfrey began his Policing career in 1996 and has served in numerous capacities including administration. Michael holds a master's degree in criminal justice from Tarleton State University and a Master Peace Officer Certification from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.  His current responsibilities include overseeing the day-to-day operation of the police department.

Lieutenant / Interim Assistant Chief of Police David Williams (Criminal Investigations Division and Detention) - Email or call 817-290-5068 

Lieutenant David Williams comes to Ennis Police Department with previous leadership experience with the DeSoto Police Department and Tarrant County Sheriff's Office totaling over 26 years. Lieutenant Williams currently has instructor certifications in several topics and holds a Master Peace Officer certification from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.

Lieutenant Brian Shahan (Patrol Division) - Email or call 817-290-5067 

Lieutenant Brian Shahan began his law enforcement career in November 1993.  He has served with the Ennis Police Department since February 2009 where he has worked in the Patrol and Criminal Investigations Divisions.  He holds an associate's degree in applied science in criminal justice from Navarro College and is currently working on completing his Bachelor of Science in criminal justice from Texas A&M Commerce.  He also holds a Master Certification through the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. 

Technology Director Chad Marshall - Email 


The Ennis Police Department is committed to providing the highest level of services to all citizens.  If you would like to commend an employee for exceptional behavior or performance or file a complaint against an employee, you may utilize one of the following options:

  • Call the Ennis Police Department at 972-875-4455 and speak with a supervisor
  • Email the Police Department at Ennis PD
  • Write a letter to the employee's supervisor, lieutenant, assistant chief, or chief of police at
    • Ennis Police Department
    • 1700 Lake Bardwell Dr.
    • Ennis, TX 75119
  • Employee Complaint Form