General Information
Phone Numbers
(972) 875-4455
Emergencies: Dial 911
1700 Lake Bardwell Drive




Rosa Gonzales, Email                                           
Records Manager                                                                              
1700 Lake Bardwell Drive                                                          
Ennis, TX 75119                                                                                  

Phone: 817-290-5062                                        
Fax: 972-875-8221 


The Ennis Police Department takes the release of personal information regarding those citizens with whom we come in contact seriously.  You can be assured that we will only release protected information after obtaining proof of the identities of the persons requesting documents.


  • Maintaining statistics reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety and FBI
  • Responding to open records requests
  • TXDOT Crash Reports
  • Clearance Letters

To request a report, please download the Public Information Request form:

(Public Information Open Records Request Form).pdf

Making a Request:

  • Requests for information to a governmental body need to be submitted in writing.
  • The request must ask for records or information already in existence.
  • Governmental agencies are not required to create new information, do legal research, or answer questions submitted via the Public Information Act.
  • When submitting your request, provide the requester's name, address, and phone number.
  • Your request needs to be specific about the information required: 
    • Date of Birth
    • Dates
    • Individuals Name
    • Location
    • Times

You can also Email and request a copy or information.


 Obtain Accident Reports through TXDOT Crash Reports

Or by visiting the Ennis Police Department Records Division (read the following carefully if you choose the in-person option) 

Texas Transportation Code §550.065 allows for the release of a crash report on written request to any person directly concerned in the accident or having proper interest therein, including:

A.   Any person involved in the accident.

B.   The authorized representative of any person involved in the accident.

C.   A driver involved in the accident.

D.   An employer, parent or legal guardian of a driver involved in the accident.

E.   The owner of a vehicle or property damaged in the accident.

F.   A person who has established financial responsibility for a vehicle involved in the accident in a manner described in Texas Transportation Code 601.501, including a policyholder of a motor vehicle.

G.   An insurance company that issued an insurance policy covering a vehicle involved in the accident.

H.   An insurance company that issued a policy covering any person involved in the accident.

I.    A person under contract to provide claims or underwriting to a person described in sections (F), (G), or (H).

J.    A radio or television station that holds a license issued by the Federal Communications Commission.

K.   A newspaper that is a free newspaper of general circulation or qualified under Section 2051.044, Government Code, to publish legal notices; published at least once a week; and available and of interest to the public in connection with the dissemination of news.

L.   Any person who may sue because of death resulting from the accident.

M.  Any agency of the United States, this state (Texas), or a local government of this state (Texas).

 If a person or entity does not meet any of these criteria, TxDOT does provide the option on the CR-91 form to provide a detailed explanation as to how they meet the criteria in a manner that is not listed in the above reasons (A) through (M). Persons or entities who do not meet the criteria will receive a redacted copy of the crash report.